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Community Trailblazers

Grid Edge Labs successfully organized energy community from Brooklyn to South Austrlia. 


In the spring 2016 Brooklyn Microgrid's first peer-to-peer energy transaction launched a grassroots effort that connected hundreds of other like-minded Brooklynite prosumers and consumers to participate in this campaign, which aimed to accelerate the innovation and regulatory changes needed –for peer-to-peer transactive markets. 

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Our Story

Brooklyn Microgrid was a network of Brooklyn residents and business owners who support local solar energy and who want to be pioneers in changing how we purchase and sell energy. The network connects people in Brooklyn who own solar arrays (“prosumers”) with people who want to purchase local solar (“consumers”).


Purchasing local solar energy through Brooklyn Microgrid would have resulted in support for the local economy and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Additionally, it provided users with control over where their energy is sourced.

The Latrobe Valley Microgrid aimed to demonstrate how local distributed energy resources and demand response can be incorporated into a local energy marketplace to improve the efficiency, security and resiliency of the electricity grid and improve economic outcomes.


Participants would be able to sell excess energy generation, demand response capabilities and network support services to improve integration of distributed energy resources, such as rooftop solar. 

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